Nayax Onyx installation and setup

In this video you will find step-by-step installation instructions for a secure fit of your Nayax Onyx payment terminal.




Configuring your new Nayax terminal


1. Creating a new machine


  • First you need to login with the credential received from Nayax distributor when you purchased the terminal, on this URL.
  • Click on Operations/Machines/Create/New Machine
  • Fill in the required information.



  • For the Machine Model choose Pulse/Pulse Machines/Generic Pulse from the dropdown menu.
  • For the Sales Source choose Live Transactions from the dropdown menu.
  • In the Hardware section type in the Device Number you received from your Nayax distributor.


2. Assigning the attributes


Now that you have created a new machine, you can set up the machine attributes.


Navigate to a specific machine:


  • Click on Operations/Machines
  • Choose the Operator and click on Search
  • Select the specific machine under the hierarchy


Assign attributes to the machine:


  • Click on the Attributes tab
  • Under the Group filter, click on Pulse/ccTalk
  • From the Machine Attributes displayed, check all the boxes to enable all the Pulse/ccTalk options.

Click Save to store all the information. Now navigate back to specific machine configuration - General tab.


3. Setting the machine attributes


  • In the Payment section check the box for the Choose Product Timeout (sec) parameter and set the value to 20.
  • Navigate to the Pulse/ccTalk tab.
  • Check the boxes in front of the following attributes and set values as in the table below:

Nayax configuration reference table


  • Click on Save
  • Click on Actions/Reload Configuration
  • Click on Actions/Reboot Device


Changing product prices:


Update the values in the attribute Credit per Pulse 1-6 (Cents): 2000;2000.


First number is the price for the product in the left container and the second number is the price for the second container.


Note: Always separate values with semicolons. Values are in cents, so 2000 is 20,00 units in your local currency.



Changing product names:


Update the titles in the attribute Pulse Title 1-6: Mix1;Mix2.


First is the title for the left side container and the second is the title for the right side container.


Note: Product name is limited to 8 characters. Always separate titles with semicolons.

Jese Leos